a painted range of colours
acrilic on paper
48×32 cm
a painted color range in the shadows of white, oker, orange , yellow on a paper-white background
une bouteille peinte en trompe l’oeil sur un canvas, avec son verre et bien entourée
In occasione della “fête de la musique”esce oggi il clip di “Fiatal” di Veronika Varga.
Il film fu realizzato da uno sparuto gruppo di disperati coraggiosi nel corso di una settimana di tregenda e senza soldi durante la primavera 2011.
La scenografia, la coreografia, la messa in scena, i costumi, gli attori, le luci, i suoni e i sorrisi furono il risultato di una festa da pazzi organizzata senza chiedersi perché.
Finalmente pubblicato potete vedere il clip e ascoltare la canzone su www.veronikavarga.com
Ci sono anche le foto dei disperati, i loro nomi sulla pagina “credit” e le immagini del giorno delle riprese,
buon divertimento e buona visione
some details of a painting made in Liége, Belgium, in a restaurant, a work that costed me pain, time, skills,
desire for spells to have it made in time, no time to have it ready, and finally be late but finish anyway,
then believe in it then don’t believe in it then love it and more than that, try and find the blue,
draw them all, paint them all,feel the trees, find the way the bats fly,
try and convey the sensation of the depth of the night’s blue
and feel the desire to show it to you now that it has left the house and lives its own life
col pomodorino e il prezzemolo e le posate posate al contrario
buon appetito
A new LP by the songwriter and singer Dustin Kensrue.
Cover Artwork by Alberto Sebastiani
means the system works well
Original handpainted christmas tree, acrilic waterbased paint on canvas,
60×82 cm, 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree
acrilic waterbased paint on canvas
8060 cm 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree
waterbased acrilic paint on canvas
50×99 cm 2007
Original giant size handpainted christmas tree
acrilic waterbased colors on canvas
270×170 cm 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree,
33×65 cm acrilic on canvas, 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree composition
waterbased acrilic paint on paper
34×48 cm, 2007