Tag Archives: composizione libera

hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author

hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author; represents a wrtiter or a journalist in the utter act of typing, and projected in his imaginary world;

an original drawing representing a naked girl in a moment of intimacy

an original drawing representin a new born child
club du whisky #19 20151127

three bottles we got
Recently sold
a series of erotic drawings (#1), an erotic drawing 2012-2013

an erotic drawing
- an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing
drawing of an undressing girl

an undressing girl, a drawing
a sketched portrait
mio nipote in vacanza a Bruxelles
a woman in the dream of a turtle, a drawing

a woman in a turtle’s dream, a drawing
medusa, a drawing

medusa, a drawing
a woman in the dream of an elephant, a drawing

a woman in the elephant’s dream
a naked man, a drawing

a naked man, the image of man
mother’s day an original painting, fête des mères, festa della mamma
Birra, biére, beer.
comic vector animals
Alice in the mirror (2009)
alice in the mirror, 2009 oil on canvas, 169 cm X 84,5 cm
collezione privata
the switch/l’interruttore, 2007
free composition, finger-painted on paper, waterbased self prepared colors,
42×52 cm, 2007