Tag Archives: man

hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author

hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author; represents a wrtiter or a journalist in the utter act of typing, and projected in his imaginary world;
a series of erotic drawings (#1), an erotic drawing 2012-2013

an erotic drawing
- an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing

an erotic drawing
a drawing of a young man hoping to find hair on his chin

young man longing for having a beard
drawing of a man on top of a springboard, fearing to jump

a man fearing to jump from a springboard
a naked man, a drawing

a naked man, the image of man
self portrait with paint roll and breast

a painting by alberto sebastiani self portrait
an original painting, acrylic on paper, 70X50 cm, march 2011, painted with my fingers as usual, that’s me, in some way