hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author
hand drawn picture. this drawing was created as a hand made work following exclusively my own fantasy and personal inspiration; it is an original composition of which I’m the sole author
an original drawing representing a naked girl in a moment of intimacy
an original drawing representin a new born child
three bottles we got
une bouteille peinte en trompe l’oeil sur un canvas, avec son verre et bien entourée
a medical engine
mio nipote in vacanza a Bruxelles
a woman in a turtle’s dream, a drawing
medusa, a drawing
a naked man, the image of man
woman in the mirror
a pencil sketch
un croquis au crayon
uno schizzo a matita
A new LP by the songwriter and singer Dustin Kensrue.
Cover Artwork by Alberto Sebastiani
free composition, finger-painted on paper, waterbased self prepared colors,
42×52 cm, 2007