Three wise doctors
100*66 cm
a painted range of colours
acrilic on paper
48×32 cm
a painted color range in the shadows of white, oker, orange , yellow on a paper-white background
une bouteille peinte en trompe l’oeil sur un canvas, avec son verre et bien entourée
A new LP by the songwriter and singer Dustin Kensrue.
Cover Artwork by Alberto Sebastiani
means the system works well
portrait de leila
acrylic on canvas, 1998
110 X 80 cm ca.
Original handpainted christmas tree, acrilic waterbased paint on canvas,
60×82 cm, 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree
acrilic waterbased paint on canvas
8060 cm 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree
waterbased acrilic paint on canvas
50×99 cm 2007
Original giant size handpainted christmas tree
acrilic waterbased colors on canvas
270×170 cm 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree,
33×65 cm acrilic on canvas, 2007
Original handpainted christmas tree composition
waterbased acrilic paint on paper
34×48 cm, 2007