an original drawing representing a naked girl in a moment of intimacy
an original drawing representing a naked girl in a moment of intimacy
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
an erotic drawing
a woman in a turtle’s dream, a drawing
medusa, a drawing
woman in the mirror
a pencil sketch
un croquis au crayon
uno schizzo a matita
col pomodorino e il prezzemolo e le posate posate al contrario
buon appetito
a painting by alberto sebastiani self portrait
an original painting, acrylic on paper, 70X50 cm, march 2011, painted with my fingers as usual, that’s me, in some way
alice in the mirror, 2009 oil on canvas, 169 cm X 84,5 cm
collezione privata
free composition, finger-painted on paper, waterbased self prepared colors,
42×52 cm, 2007